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A new recreation is sweeping across university campuses anywhere, and no it isn’t


Frisbee. Recently a survey I completed on dozens of college campuses said that Poker, extra specifically, Texas Holdem, is the new recreation of preference. But here is the exciting element. The survey taken was taken handiest through college women.

Not see you later ago, poker turned into usually idea of a male hobby. The iconic photos of cigar smoking, scotch ingesting, loud mouth adult males huddled across the green felt table on poker night time tend to come back to mind when we consider poker. But it appears now that pow wows of guffawing university women, sporting toddler T’s and getting buzzed on wine coolers, are preserving all the playing cards. Well, perhaps it really is the photograph that would pop into a guy’s mind, but simply those college girls are pretty savvy to the sport and suggest enterprise. Visit :- พนันบอลที่ดีที่สุด

Female superstars of the World Series of Poker Tournament together with Annie Duke, Nani Dollison, and Jennifer Harman Traniello have stimulated a generation girl followers. Sunglass sporting, smack speakme chics who recognise the sport and dare you to name their bluff.

“My girlfriends and I get together several times a week for video games,” says university scholar, Mindy Kleinberger of Boston University. “The pleasant players on campus I realize are girls. We play difficult and we play frequently. It’s the handiest manner to sharpen our recreation. Occasionally we invite a number of our guy pals for a game, but they normally don’t last lengthy with us.”

Gambling on college campus was once discouraged, however has end up greater popular over the years. It’s in all likelihood a very good aspect too because the poker playing university ladies are growing of their numbers and honing their talents. Expect to see severa ladies graduating to the World Series of Poker in the near future.
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