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“Comparing BBA Degrees: Specializations and Their Impact”

Nantes Business School (French: Audencia Nantes école de Management), referred to as Audencia, was founded in 1900. Its main campus is located in Nantes, the largest city in western France and the sixth largest city in the country. The branch campus of Shenzhen Nantes Institute of Finance and Technology is located in Shenzhen. It is a French higher business school with a history of more than 120 years. It has so far trained more than 30,000 outstanding graduates from all over the world.

Nantes Business School is a world business school, Europe’s top grande école. Buy Audencia Business School BBA degree online. a member of the French SAI five-school joint examination, a member of the most prestigious French education system university, and one of the 100 AACSB universities in the world. One of the top business schools certified by EQUIS, EQUIS and AMBA “Three Crowns” in business.

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In the 2021 QS Global Business Masters Ranking, Nantes Business School ranked 15th for the Master of Supply Chain Management, 20th for the Master of Marketing, 50th for the Master of Management, and 57th for the Master of Finance; 2021 Financial Times Europe The business school ranks 31st, the French business school ranks 7th; the 2021Sigem French business school ranks 7th. I would like to buy a ESADE Business School MSc degree in 2024

Audencia is also flagged by BSIS. The school enrolls 4,500 students from nearly 90 countries studying for bachelor’s degrees, international master’s degrees, professional master’s degrees, MBA degrees, doctoral degrees and executive education courses.
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