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How to buy a fake Management & Science University diploma in Malaysia?


How to buy a fake Management & Science University diploma in Malaysia?

Buy a MSU degree in Malaysia. Order a MSU degree, realistic Management & Science University diploma certificate. How to make a Management & Science University degree? Can I get a MSU degree and transcript online? Management and Science University is a private university in Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia.

It was founded in 2001 by Tan Sri Prof. Datuk Wira Dr. Mohd Shukri Abu Yajid.

As of 2019, the school has 8,119 students, 655 teaching staff, and 1,418 international students.
As of 2022, the school has a total of 7 disciplines in the humanities series, 18 disciplines in the social sciences series, 15 disciplines in the science series, 9 disciplines in the engineering series, and 12 disciplines in the medical series.
