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It has just been a week since game release and there are already so many Star Wars The Old Republic Guide in market.How do I know about the best one?A simple search itself reveals so many results when you try looking for it. How confusing this can be for a player who does not know much about it.Know that not all of these aeon guide confirm that it is written by professional gamers.How can you tell if a a particular strategy guide is authentic or fake? Hours of game play since beta and till date has been dedicated towards development of such strategy guides.Several Star Wars The Old Republic guide are covered for both noobs and professional level players.Below listed are some very important points that I highly recommend that you look for before buying off a guide.Having a guide is not enough, more is required. Hands on experience and thorough training is going to be eventually deciding factor.Only going through whole Star Wars The Old Republic Guide is not going to be enough.Later after reading, you will have to start creating your own strategies. Really good tips to guide you through selection of the best swtor guide for you.Find out about the author whether they are actually who they claim. Look up the professional gaming history of the writers of these Star Wars The Old Republic Guide.Some of the authors of these strategy guides have earned a name for themselves by their outstanding work on other gaming titles.What this simply means is that you can take their word regarding this game too. Does the guide have very basic strategies or more advanced and complex ones?To write a very simple Star Wars The Old Republic strategy is not really a big accomplishment.Even if you are a beginner, you have to search for guides that not only contain the basics of the game, but also advanced strategies for your future. Do the guides contain enough details and basics to help you think up unique tactics?Such massive games like Star Wars The Old Republic, are patched up regularly with new content.Verify that the guide that you buy is also constantly updated. It is not worth it, if the guide that you buy is just a whole lot of text.Look out for guides with images and video instructions, and the text should be step by step instructions instead of a wall of text. Visit my blog to take a peek at detailed reviews of some of the best and genuine swtor hut, visit my blog.